Three New Beer Styles To Be Judged At GABF 2018
The 2018 Great American Beer Festival® (GABF) marks the first time “Juicy or Hazy Pale Ale,” “Juicy or Hazy India Pale Ale,” and “Juicy or Hazy Imperial or Double India Pale Ale” will be judged and awarded medals. Even though these styles have been around for a while now, it will be interesting to see how they compete this year. Are you as hoppy as we are about it? Excuse the bad pun.
A Juicy First Year
Due to the popularity of these styles, earlier this year a trio of juicy or hazy styles were formally incorporated into the Brewers Association Beer Style Guidelines. These new styles will make up for an astonishing 706 entries into their first GABF broken down as follows:
- Juicy or Hazy Pale Ale: 131
- Juicy or Hazy IPA: 414
- Juicy or Hazy Double IPA: 161
American-Style IPA No Longer Top Entry
With this amount of hype and submissions, American-Style IPA has been kicked from the top entry submission spot. Some fun facts about the now dethroned APA:
- Since 2002 it has been the most-entered style
- 312 entries in 2016
- 408 entries in 2017
What Exactly is A Hazy or Juicy Beer?
The Brewers Association identifies the styles of “Juicy or Hazy Pale Ale,” “Juicy or Hazy IPA,” and “Juicy or Hazy Double IPA” in their guidelines for competitions. Also included are New England IPAs or West Coast Hazy IPAs. So, you may ask, what exactly does “Juicy” or “Hazy” mean? Well, my friend here is a crash course into the new styles taking the GABF by storm.
*All descriptions taken from the 2018 Brewers Association Beer Guidelines found HERE.
Juicy or Hazy Pale Ale

Ursula Brewing Ultimate Clarity 7.2%
- Color: Straw to deep gold
- Clarity: Low to the very high degree of cloudiness.
- Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Low to low-medium malt aroma and flavor.
- Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Medium-high to very high hop aroma and flavor.
- Perceived Bitterness: Low to medium.
- Body: Medium-low to medium-high.
- Volume: 3.5%-4.3%
- IBU: 30-50
Juicy or Hazy India Pale Ale

Brass Brewing Company Task Force 7.2%
- Color: Straw to deep gold
- Clarity: Low to a very high degree of cloudiness.
- Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Low to low-medium malt aroma and flavor.
- Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Medium-high to very high hop aroma and flavor.
- Perceived Bitterness: Medium-low to medium.
- Body: Medium-low to medium-high.
- Volume: 5.0%-6.0%
- IBU: 50-70
And finally, the knock-ya-down contender:
Juicy or Hazy Imperial or Double India Pale Ale

2 Roads Two Juicy NE IPA 8.2%
- Color: Straw to deep gold.
- Clarity: Low to a very high degree of cloudiness.
- Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor (Perceived): Low to high malt aroma and flavor.
- Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: High to very high hop aroma and flavor.
- Perceived Bitterness: Low to medium.
- Body: Medium to high.
- Volume: 6.0%-8.4%
- IBU: 65-100
Additional Notes: Grist may include a small amount of oat, wheat or other adjuncts to promote haziness. Above all, descriptors such as “juicy” are often used to describe the taste and aroma hop-derived attributes present in these beers. Want to know more about these styles? Be sure to check out all of the Brewers Association Beer Style Guidelines.
Not a fan of zealously bitter Pales and IPAs? Well, these new contenders may be just for you! We are definitely excited to get to try the new trio in the running of hazy, juicy goodness!
Learn more about the Brewers Association’s 2018 guidelines HERE.
Be sure to check out our GABF 2017 Recap HERE.
Can’t make it to GABF this year? Be sure to keep an eye out for the winners in each category to be announced on September 22nd!
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