Strange Craft Beer Co. Taps Official Metropolitan State University Inauguration Beer
Strange Craft Beer Co. is proud to release Next Peak, a single-hopped Pale Ale brewed to commemorate the formal installation of Janine Davidson, Ph.D. as president of MSU Denver. This beer, brewed in collaboration with Metropolitan State’s Beer Industry Program students, faculty, and staff, is now on tap ever since the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the university’s new brewing lab.
MSU faculty and staff helped to brew Next Peak at Strange Craft last month alongside brewery owner Tim Myers, who is also an instructor for MSU’s Beer Industry Program.
This Pale Ale was crafted with Pale and Vienna malt from Root Shoot Malting Co. and generous additions of Denali hops in the whirlpool and as dry hops. Denali hops deliver huge flavors of pineapple and citrus with a low bitterness. Its malt profile lends supporting notes of bread and honey. Next Peak finishes dry, crisp, and delicious.
Next Peak will be tapped at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for MSU’s new Beer Industry Program QA/QC Labs in the Tivoli Student Union on campus. This $3.7M project includes the addition of the Quality Analysis & Quality Control (QA/QC) Labs and Brewing Production Labs that are operational alongside a Sensory Analysis Lab, a Microbiological Fermentation Lab, a Packaging Lab, and a Draft Training Center. You can also visit this website for more information on the program.
Next Peak is now on tap at Strange Craft’s tasting room on Zuni Street. Additionally, this beer will be available at the Inauguration Soirée. This event takes place after the official inauguration ceremony for new MSU president.
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