Meet the New Social Media & Marketing Interns!

We are very excited to announce the latest additions to our Hoplight Social team and this time in new cities! We recently expanded into Denver, Co & Atlanta, GA! Please join us in welcoming the new Social Media & Marketing Interns to our team. They each have unique backgrounds, but share a love and passion for great beer, just like us. They are excited to hit the ground running and help us continue to spread the word about great beer & the amazing people behind it.

Atlanta, GA

Meet Aryelle Perez

New Social Media & Marketing Interns - AryelleAryelle Perez was born and raised in NYC, once it was time for college she moved to the south and never went back. As long as she could remember she has had a camera in her hand, she realized that she would be able to turn her passion, photography, into a career. It wasn’t until she took the elective Intro to Advertising that she realized she wanted to explore the world of marketing and advertising. This realization is what sparked her to finish her time at Savannah College of Art and Design with a B.F.A in Photography, but with a minor in Advertising and Advertising Photography as well. She can always be seen with a coffee in her hand, ideas in her head, and a smile on her face.

Denver, CO

Meet Averee Davis

New Social Media & Marketing Interns - AvereeAfter spending years in the operations and event side of the hospitality world, Averee helped start and curate a hospitality management program at a local college in Chattanooga, TN. She also played a part in opening restaurants, a hotel, and a brewery, and has since relocated to Colorado where her husband is stationed. She has found herself affectionately named BB Brewer (AKA mash tun cleaner) and Operations Manager at a newly opened brewery in Colorado Springs. After spending summers in Yakima Valley in her home state of Washington, she has cultivated a love of IPA’s and is developing a taste for anything sour. You can find her in a brewery, on an adventure with her dog Finn, tending to her urban jungle of a home, or exploring a local vintage store.

Meet John Tosches

A lifelong baseball player, John moved from Colorado Springs to Denver to play for Regis University. Once he turned 21 he finally got the chance to drink beer. He instantly fell in love with Denver’s booming craft scene and jumped on every opportunity to sample any new beer from his home state. On any trip out of state, he makes it a point to try the area’s best local beer. When he’s not working in a liquor store cooler, John’s at a brewery, annihilating a Chipotle burrito, at a baseball game, or lounging on the couch with his dog Annie.

San Diego, CA

Meet Pierce Butler

Social Media & Marketing Interns - PierceUpon finishing his undergraduate degree, Pierce moved from his hometown of Atlanta to sunny San Diego in search of a new adventure. He became fascinated with craft beer after his family moved to the booming beer scene of the bay area back in 2014. Since then, beer has become a passion for him and he enjoys all things beer. Aside from enjoying all of the wonderful breweries San Diego has to offer, you can find him checking off every hike he can get to, surfing, skiing, catching shows at hole-in-the-wall music venues, or grounding himself at a yoga class.

Meet Bill Newell

Social Media & Marketing Interns - BillStudying as an undergrad at UC San Diego, Bill has held an affinity for craft beer for quite a while. Ask what interests him most about the industry and he’s likely to respond “Ingredients that you would never suspect to be present in each glass” He hopes to put a light on the worlds most innovative and out-of-the-box craft beers through Hoplight Social while covering local events. Outside of his hoppy adventures, he also enjoys food, sunbathing at the La Jolla Shores, exploring different parts of San Diego, and watching some Netflix with friends.

Meet Kevin McCaffrey

Social Media & Marketing Interns - KevinKevin made his way to San Diego on the promise of a couch to sleep on. Several years later, with a soon-to-be wife at his side, he is almost a person. He avoids dance floors but if there are loud guitars and distortion you’ll find him in the safest part of the moshpit. As a New Jersey native, his main focus in life is discrediting everything that Snooki has ever done as revenge for besmirching the good name of the Jersey shore; his success has thus far been minimal. Kevin also might be the only person in the history of the state who doesn’t care for Bruce Springsteen, despite their obvious and overlapping similarities. The couch has long ago been discarded.

Be sure to follow us on our social media and join the conversation with great people around great beers.