Meet Anthony Tallman: Co-Founder & Head Brewer of Burgeon Beer

Co-Founder and Head Brewer Anthony TallmanYou’ve probably been hearing a lot of buzz around one of Carlsbad’s newer breweries, Burgeon Beer. Trust us when we say, it’s for good reason! For those of you that haven’t heard of them yet, Burgeon Beer was started by three ambitious best friends that share a passion for nature and sense of adventure. Walking into their tasting room, you immediately get that vibe. The attention to detail of their tasting room transports you into their world and vision. It is arguably, one of the prettiest tasting rooms in San Diego. With a live plant wall, vibrant colors, nature inspired bar top, and a running water fountain, you can’t help but feel like you are enjoying the outdoors. To top it off, their beers are really amazing! We tried almost everything on tap, and honestly there wasn’t a single beer that didn’t impress us in some way. The quality of their beer is part of the reason why they experienced a line of people waiting to get their hands on their first canning run this past weekend!

We had the chance to sit down with Co-Founder and Head Brewer Anthony Tallman to hear more about his journey, what it’s like to open a company with some of his best friends, and what’s in store for the future.

Tell us a little about yourself.

I got into home brewing in 2009 and immediately got hooked on it!  After a few brews, I knew that I wanted to get into the industry. I applied at Stone Brewing three times until I finally got a call for an interview. I was hired on as keg line operator and eventually moved my way into an assistant brewer position, then filter/centrifuge operator and ultimately a brewer.

After a few years, I left Stone to take on the opportunity of becoming Rough Draft Brewing Co’s first brewer and eventually Lead Brewer. I helped grow the company for about a year and a half.

Lastly, before starting Burgeon I worked as the Head Brewer of Back Street Brewery in Vista. This was a great role for me during the planning of Burgeon as I was able to brew whatever I wanted, test our different ingredients, etc.

How did you become a part of the craft beer industry? How long have you been a professional brewer?

Sorry, I kind of answered the first question in the above response. I was first hired at Stone in June of 2010.

What’s your favorite part of the job?

I love the hands on aspect, as I am not a fan of sitting at a desk. I really enjoy the creative aspect to brewing. Being able to imagine the end product and working backwards in order to achieve that vision.

If you could make any style of beer with any flavors you wanted, what would it be and why?

I really want to get into lagers. Unfortunately, right now due to us only having four fermenters we can’t tie one up with a lager. That being said, once we bring more tanks in my hope is to begin brewing a variety of lagers. First on the docket will most likely be a Mexican lager and Czech Pilsner.

What’s your favorite memory of starting with Burgeon Beer Co.? Favorite beer you’ve worked on?

My favorite memory is starting this business with two of my best friends. We built the majority of the brewery and we take great pride in what we have accomplished, especially in such a short amount of time.

What does the future look like for Burgeon Beer Co.? Anything exciting you can share?

We have already ordered two more 30 bbl fermenters. They should be arriving at the end of July. We have also just completed our first mobile canning run of two beers; CitraSmella – N.E. Style Pale and Everybody’s Juicin’ – N.E. Style IPA. These cans were released at the brewery on Saturday, May 13. We are planning to do a two beer can release once a month.

If you could collaborate with any other brewer or brewery, who or whom would it be and why?

This is a TOUGH question. There are so many breweries that I would LOVE to collaborate with. To name a few I’d have to say: Monkish, The Veil, Pizza Port, Modern Times, Cellar Maker, Trillium, Russian River…I could go on and on about the many reasons why!

What advice would you give to those who are looking to become a Brewer?

Be willing to put in some serious time cleaning. Take in all the knowledge you can from fellow brewers. Spend time doing your own research. Get into home-brewing. This really helps you learn a lot of the core about brewing beer.

Why did you guys choose the name Burgeon Beer Co.?

We were trying to come up with a name that related to all three of us growing up in North County San Diego and starting a business here. We wanted the name to be unique and reflective of who we are. Burgeon simply means to grow.

Photos of Anthony Tallman & Burgeon Beer Co Tasting Room

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