Longship Brewery Announces Homebrew Competition

Attention all homebrewers! It’s time to get to brewin’! Longship Brewery just announced that they’re launching a homebrew competition. The prize? The chance to experience brewing with Longship’s commercial system! It’s a great chance for a homebrewer to work on a 10 barrel system. The brewery’s founder, Dan Jachimowicz, was a long-time homebrewer before opening Longship. Not to mention, he enjoys working with craft beer hobbyists at all levels.

For those who were looking to compete, they’ll be brewing a Dunkleweizen. For those who haven’t heard of this beer style, it’s a dark German ale. It should provide a small challenge and a great opportunity for individual’s creativity and brew technique to shine through. Additionally, the Dunkleweizen would be a beer that Longship would be proud to offer on tap.


Before brewing your Dunkelweizen, please read the official BJCP beer style description HERE.

All entries need to be submitted to Longship’s tasting room no later than 10 PM PST on September 10, 2017, which is located at 10320 Camino Santa Fe, Suite C, San Diego, CA 92121.

Longship’s staff will be judging all entries blindly. They’ll be announcing the winner on September 14.

As mentioned before, the winner of the competition will award you the chance to work with Longship. The winner will be working with them to create a variation of the winning Dunkelweizen recipe and brew it on a larger scale.

More information about the competition can be found HERE.

For more information about Longship Brewing, their voyage, and their beers, check out their WEBSITE and social media channels!

FACEBOOK | TWITTER | INSTAGRAM (@longshipbrewery)

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