Hoppy Holidays from Hoplight Social!

It’s that time of the year again! Arguably the hoppiest time of the year to many, the holiday season is upon us. No matter what you’re celebrating this year, we’re wishing that you’re able to enjoy it with your loved ones and hope that it’s filled with many warm & happy memories. So, from us to you, Hoppy Holidays! Here’s a little something from our team about what we’re looking forward to during the holidays.


This is hands down my favorite time of year! I really enjoy the spirit of the holidays and helping to spread joy to those who mean the most to me. There is something about sipping on a delicious cold beer, surrounded by family and friends, while looking at all the holiday decorations, that is just pure magic. I look forward to enjoying something from Santa’s secret stash each year: Rogue’s Santa’s Private Reserve Ale. I’ll be dreaming of a white Christmas and Great Lakes Brewing Company’s Christmas Ale since we don’t have access to those things in California. This holiday season has been even more special because we have been making some big plans for 2018 that we are really excited about! More to come on that later. Cheers to the most wonderful time of the year!


Normally I would say that the highlight of my holidays is spending time with family. However, this year I’ll be spending most of it on the road with my best friend, as we traverse most of the US and drive to Ann Arbor, MI to be with his family. We like to switch things up; some years we do Christmas with his family, and some years with mine. While I won’t be able to spend time with my family this year, I’m so thankful for their understanding, love, and support this holiday. It is hard to let traditions go, but I’m grateful that we are open to making new ones. I’m excited to embark on our adventure and discover all the small craft breweries along the way that don’t distribute to San Diego. I’m also dying to visit Epic Brewing and Great Divide Brewing Company in Denver and see some snow!


This time of year brings memories of family, fun, adventure, and of course beer and snow. While snow might be out of the question here in San Diego…beer is certainly not! This year we are going to spend some time alone with our dogs and some time with family. I am excited to see some old friends, grab some beers and just relax. One beer I will definitely be looking forward to this year is Bruery Terreux’s Frucht: Cranberry & Orange. Another beer I will be having on Christmas day will be a Karl Strauss Peanut Butter Cup Porter. I am thankful for all we (Hoplight Social) did in 2017 and cannot wait for more adventures in 2018. Happy Holidays to everyone and thank you for the support throughout the year!


The holidays are always a special time for me. I enjoy being able to spend quality time with my loved ones. This year, I’m extra thankful because my husband made it home safely in time for the holiday season. Since it’s been a busy year for us, we won’t be traveling to see our families. I’m grateful that they’re understanding that we want to stay home and take it easy this year. We’re looking forward to making new memories and enjoying each others’ company this Christmas along with delicious winter beers! Two of my favorites are Ska’s Dementia and Stone’s Mint Coffee Stout!


I am thankful for my amazing support system which includes my friends and family. This year has been filled with uncertainty and new obstacles, having friends I can laugh and share a beer with has made all the difference.

I am looking forward to drinking Rogue’s Hazelnut Brown Nectar which is one of my favorite Brown Ales. I will also spoil myself with a can of Avery Brewing’s Chai High. I discovered it last year and I think it is the perfect beer for colder weather!

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