Encontro to Host Life Perspectives for Charity Night

We don’t know about you, but we can’t think of a better cause to drink for than Encontro North Park’s charity events. For readers who are not aware, Encontro hosts various local charity events. This month, they will be hosting Life Perspectives on Tuesday, March 14th between 5:00-10:00 pm. Life Perspectives is an organization with a mission to provide hope and healing to those impacted by reproductive grief, miscarriages, and abortion. The goal of Life Perspectives is to provide safe and anonymous tools on individuals’ journeys toward healing. Upon dining and/or drinking at Encontro be sure to mention “Life Perspectives” for 30% of your bill to go toward the cause.

Encontro is a laid back dog friendly environment with a beer list that includes 19 beers on draft, and extensive food options with a speedy walk-up window to order. Be sure to check out Encontro’s full menu here and beer list here.

If you are not able to attend Encontro’s charity event, but still want to donate toward Life Perspectives, visit www.lifeperspectives.com.

Don’t forget to check out Encontro’s website and social media platforms to learn more about the company and upcoming events: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram (@encontronorthpark)

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