Be(er) Healthy – Why Drinking Beer is Good For Your Health
In a world filled with doom and gloom, it seems as if science can still bring some happiness into the world. Apparently, beer IS good for you. To celebrate this news, let us hit up the local watering hole and drink (moderately) to our health!
A Hoppy Heart
Hops are heart healthy. You read that right. Our good friend Humulus lupulus actually lowers the risk of heart disease, the number one killer of adults in America. This is because of the polyphenols in hops, which act as an antioxidant and help in protecting the health of your cardiovascular system, as well as keeping blood pressure normal. Scientists from both Harvard and Penn State have found that your chances of heart disease may be reduced by as much as 42%.
The Answer to Cancer?
Keeping your heart healthy is one thing, but an answer to cancer? It may not be a cure to cancer, but beer does contain compounds that reduce your risk for cancer. Even at low doses, Lupulone and Xanthohumol are thought to prevent cancer by decreasing the risk of aberrant and uncontrolled cell growth, according to the German Cancer Research Center. So go ahead, get that IPA because it’s good for your cells.
Vitamin B(eer) for your health
According to Harvard, beer is almost as good as a daily multivitamin. Beer contains magnesium, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, biotin, and is chock full of B vitamins. These vital ingredients are all necessary to ensure proper functioning of your body. Be careful; it also reduces the amount of Vitamin C in your body, leaving you prone to more infections. We think we will take that risk.
Beer Bones
The consumption of two glasses of beer actually increase bone density by upwards of 5%, according to studies. Since a strong skeleton is the literal backbone of your existence, increasing bone density means reducing your chances of osteoporosis in the future. However, we must relay that it may increase your chance of alcohol related injuries now. Bottom line…be careful where you walk!
Loosening up those Brain Muscles
While our physical health will always be important, more and more research is going into our mental health. One of the most interesting discoveries stated how beer could help prevent Alzheimers and Parkinsons disease. The same compound that prevents cancer, Xanthohumol, can also help protect neurons from oxidative stress (the most common form of neuronal death).
We here at Hoplight Social have always known that beer was good…but now we also know that it’s good for you! Bear in mind, these studies chronicled people that drank one to two beers a day. But hey, at least you don’t need a doctors prescription to take your health into your own hands.
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